Photo of Johannes Reindl, Grandmaster and Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho

Who is Johannes Reindl?

Usui Shiki Ryoho Lineage Bearer and Grandmaster   Johannes was born in Austria in 1977. At 17 he learned first degree Reiki and felt what many of us feel: “I am home.” He continued to practice and a year later took second degree. A few years later he got in touch with the global Reiki…

Photo of Clara Diebold receiving her Reiki Master Certificate from Brian Brunius of the NYC Reiki Center

Boston Reiki! A NEW MASTER!

On October 31, 2018, Clara Diebold of Cambridge, Massachusetts, completed her 2-year Reiki Master Apprenticeship. Clara is the founder of Reiki Boston, holds a Masters degree in counseling, and is also a certified practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine. She studied and practiced Reiki for years with John Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray.